- 4 November 2019
The steering group responsible for the Charity Governance Code, which promotes good governance practice for charities of all sizes in England and Wales, has today launched a consultation on plans to refresh the Code.
Rose Chapman, Chair of the Steering Group explains the reason behind the consultation:
“The Charity Governance Code Steering Group has been delighted with the sector’s response to the 2017 edition of the Code.
“We want to ensure that the Code stays abreast of good governance expectations and that it remains relevant and credible. To this end we plan to review the Code at three-year intervals, kicking off with this consultation on a proposed refresh of the Code for 2020. As we know that many charities are still working through the Code’s recommendations, we are planning a refresh rather than a radical overhaul and to only make changes where they are urgently required.
“In the consultation we are keen to get people’s views on how they are using the Code and on whether there are some pressing areas where the Code needs to change. In particular, we are interested in hearing whether the Code needs to reflect changing expectations around diversity and inclusion and, additionally, whether it should say more about charities’ responsibilities around the right to feel safe and safeguarding.
“As the Code is forged by the ethos ‘by the sector, for the sector’, Trustees’ Week makes the ideal time to launch this consultation and have that conversation.”
The following areas are of particular interest to the steering group:
- Who is using the Code and how they are using it
- Specific areas and topics that need to be included, updated or improved, in particular whether the Code should:
- say more about charities’ ethical principles and the right to feel safe
- be more explicit about expectations around diversity and inclusion
- If there are any other urgent changes needed to the Code at this stage
- How to improve awareness and take up of the Code.
The consultation will run from 4 November 2019 until 28 February 2020. Details of the consultation can be found at www.charitygovernancecode.org. Respondents are invited to submit comments through the online survey available at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TMRJFHF. Alternatively, comments can be emailed to policy@cgi.org.uk or sent by post to the Policy Department, The Chartered Governance Institute, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
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Notes to Editors:
- The Charity Governance Code is overseen by a steering group comprising ACEVO, Association of Chairs, NCVO, SCC, The Chartered Governance Institute and WCVA. The group has an independent chair, Rosie Chapman, an experienced governance consultant, who fulfils the role on a voluntary basis. The Charity Commission is an observer to the group.
The steering group are grateful for the financial support of the Clothworkers’ Company and Barrow Cadbury Trust. - The consultation questions are available at www.charitygovernancecode.org
- The Chartered Governance Institute is leading on communications on behalf of the group