The Chartered Governance Institute (The Institute)
The Institute is the global qualifying and membership body for governance, with 130 years’ experience of educating and supporting governance professionals. With a Royal Charter purpose of leading ‘effective and efficient governance and administration of commerce, industry and public affairs,’ the Institute provides professional development, guidance and thought leadership, and works with regulators and policymakers to champion high standards.
The Institute is incorporated and governed by Royal Charter. Royal charters are awarded to bodies that work in the public interest, and which can demonstrate pre-eminence, stability and permanence in their field. Our Royal Charter was granted in 1902 and continues to signal the vital role that we play in developing and supporting governance professionals. Members who complete their professional qualifications can style themselves as ‘chartered’ – a by-word for professional competence.

Management of the Institute is vested in the Council, which comprises members elected by members living in the UK, Republic of Ireland and Associated Territories, and by members living in each of the divisional territories (or by their Divisional Committees), with Council membership being awarded on a proportionally representative basis depending on the number of members in the territory. The most recent Past President who is eligible and willing to be a member of the Council also serves in an ex-officio capacity.
The Council has designated the following territories as divisions: Australia, Canada, China (including Hong Kong), Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Southern Africa and Zimbabwe. Management of CGIUKI's affairs in the divisions has been delegated to Divisional Committees. The Divisional Committee that represents The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is known as the CGIUKI Board.
The Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland (CGIUKI)
CGIUKI is a division of The Chartered Governance Institute. CGIUKI represents and supports the Institute’s members working and studying in the UK and Ireland and in many other countries and regions, including the Caribbean, parts of Africa and the Middle East, for which it has responsibility under the Royal Charter and Byelaws.
The Divisional Committee that represents The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is known as the CGIUKI board.
Charter and byelaws
Our Royal Charter was granted in 1902 and has been subject to a number of revisions over the subsequent years, the latest one being in 2019. The Institute's byelaws were revised and updated in 2023 and passed by Her Majesty's Privy Council on 14 February 2023.
CGIUKI Regulations
Approved by the CGIUKI members in February 2023.
CGIUKI board
Governance of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is managed by the CGIUKI board and its sub-committees.
CGIUKI executive team
The Chartered Governance Institute has three Council Committees and nine Divisional Committees which direct and oversee its governance.