CGI urges UK charities to voice their opinions on the charity governance code

The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland (The Institute) has urged UK charities to submit a response to the consultation on the Charity Governance Code (the Code) before the deadline of 11th August. Charities can respond using this link:

Emily Ford, Policy Adviser at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, commented

“Every governance code needs a regular refresh. This is your chance to make the Charity Governance Code work for you. Whether you use the Code or not, and whatever size or type of charity you represent, we want to hear from you. The Code was last updated in 2020, and we all know just how much the world has changed since then. With the consultation deadline fast approaching, make sure your views are included in this vital work to support governance outcomes across the sector. The UK has a world-class charity sector, and the Charity Governance Code has a key role in maintaining the high standards we expect from UK charities.”

Emily Ford, Policy Adviser at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

The Institute is a member of the Charity Governance Code steering group which will process the responses and produce the updated code. The last version of the Code was published in 2020, and included updated text on safeguarding and diversity.

The Code has the following seven principles: Organisational Purpose; Integrity; Decision-making, risk and control; Board effectiveness; Equality Diversity and Inclusion and Openness and Accountability.

Two versions of the Code are produced: one for larger charities (with an annual turnover of £1 million or more) and one for smaller charities.

The Code is overseen by a steering group comprising Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO), Association of Chairs, The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI), National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).

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For further information and interview requests please contact:

Daniel Valentine, Head of Communications at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland  +44(0)7752-218-084

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