Sara Drake urges politicians to fix the many governance failings in public life

In her opening speech tomorrow at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland’s Annual Conference in London, Chief Executive, Sara Drake, will urge whichever party wins Thursday’s election to fix the many governance failings in public life.

“Today I am urging the incoming government to act quickly to fix the governance holes in our public services. To instill proper performance management across government, to take action to turn around weak financial management of major government projects, to reform the civil service to instill greater accountability and to improve cross-departmental policy making. 

We have been talking about some of these problems for decades, it is time to act.

The impact of poor governance on public life is profound. It holds back Britain’s economic growth and has led to billions of pounds of public money wasted on poorly conceived and poorly managed projects in recent years. It has contributed to the loss of trust in our political system. Governance has a strong role to play.”

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If you have any queries, please contact:
Daniel Valentine, Head of Communications, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

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