The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland - Irish Region - Governance and Directors

Irish Region

Keep up to date on latest governance developments for company secretaries, boards and those working with boards in Ireland.

Governance and Directors

Potential personal exposure of company directors for wilfully disobeying a court order

Potential personal exposure of company directors for wilfully disobeying a court order

18 June 2024

A recent High Court case has illustrated the powers the courts have under the Companies Acts to make directors personally responsible for the actions of a commercial organisation in failing to abide by a court order and the limits of that power. Read more

John Delaney Documents – Supreme Court Refuses Leave to Appeal

John Delaney Documents – Supreme Court Refuses Leave to Appeal

02 February 2024

The Supreme Court has refused to grant John Delaney leave to appeal the 2023 judgment of the Court of Appeal. Read more

High Court pierces corporate veil

High Court pierces corporate veil

11 May 2023

The High Court has recently pierced the corporate veil to make directors and shadow directors personally liable for the fraud of a company. Read more

Companies Registration Office filings – requirement to provide Personal Public Service Number or Verified Identity Number

Companies Registration Office filings – requirement to provide Personal Public Service Number or Verified Identity Number

11 May 2023

With effect from 23 April 2023, the Companies Registration Office (“CRO”) will require that all company directors of Irish companies provide either their Personal Public Service number (“PPSN”) or a Verified Identity number (“VIN”) when filing the following forms with their offices. Read more

Irish High Court lifts corporate veil: directors personally liable

Irish High Court lifts corporate veil: directors personally liable

28 February 2023

The Irish High Court (Court) has pierced the corporate veil in Powers v Greymountain Management Ltd [In Liquidation] & Ors [2022] IEHC 599, to hold passive resident directors and non-resident shadow directors personally liable for funds lost to investors as a result of fraud. Read more

Share Incentive Scheme Reporting and Compliance Update for Employers and Employees

Share Incentive Scheme Reporting and Compliance Update for Employers and Employees

24 March 2022

31 March 2022 is the mandatory annual filing deadline for employer returns of information in relation to employee share incentive schemes operated in 2021. Employers may be subject to financial penalties if they do not comply. Read more

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