Guernsey Branch

Guernsey MONEYVAL Briefing 2025


This CPD event will be an informative overview of the MONEYVAL key findings and recommendations for Guernsey and will provide insight to Directors and Company Secretaries on what is next for Guernsey.

For any related enquiries please contact us at, or call us at +44 207 612 7012


Chris Hutley-Hurst

Chris Hutley-Hurst is a Guernsey Advocate with more than 20 years' experience in private practice in Guernsey, London and New York. He specializes in financial services regulation, corporate tax and investment funds. Chris advises on Guernsey regulatory matters, covering financial services, licensing regimes, data protection and GDPR, beneficial ownership, AML, fintech and virtual assets. Having worked as a tax lawyer previously, he has a unique experience in international tax matters, including VAT and GST. He advises on Guernsey corporate tax (including the new Pillar 2 GloBE rules), economic substance requirements, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Common Reporting Standard, Country-by-Country Reporting Regime and other initiatives. Chris is recognised as a Highly Regarded Practitioner by the ITR World Tax Guide, and as a Next Generation Partner by the Legal 500. Chris is the author of the Bloomberg Tax Guide Guernsey chapter. Chris is also a board member for the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce.

Jamie Bookless

Jamie is a Senior Counsel in Walkers' Guernsey office advising on a wide variety of regulatory matters involving regulated businesses and structures in Guernsey. He has been in private practice for 20 years and has been working offshore since 2015. Jamie's regulatory practice primarily focuses on advice to regulated and licensed businesses on a wide variety of matters including AML and CFT related issues, GFSC investigations and remediation programmes, data protection, SARs and sanctions. Jamie regularly acts for large TCSPs, commercial clients, major accountancy firms and investment banks.