Effective governance requires an appropriate board and committee structure, composed of the right mix of board and committee members. A poor committee structure and composition can lead to underperformance across the organisation.
This governance training course will provide practical techniques for you to understand board and committee structures and to apply this learning to your organisation. It will equip you with the skills to identify the right board and committee members and to ensure your directors are supported so they can perform their role effectively.
Course costs (ex VAT)
Non-member - £550
Professional subscriber - £495
Member - £440
A discount is available for registered charities, please email training@cgi.org.uk.
For any related enquiries please contact us at training@cgi.org.uk, or call us at +44 (0)20 7580 4741
Who is this course for:
This course is for anyone responsible for managing the governance of the Board and its committees. This could include:
- governance professionals
- company secretaries
- HR professionals
- lawyers, finance professionals or anyone with governance related responsibilities.
This course would be particularly suited to participants who:
- Have no or limited experience in evaluating governance structures and board/committee composition
- Are looking to refresh their knowledge to help apply their learning in practice
- Work for organisations with established governance structures or those undergoing growth or change which need to formalise their governance structures.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
- Support the identification and design of the optimal governance structure for your organisation
- Understand the relationship between board governance and the supporting management structures
- Execute the key governance arrangements for supporting boards, committees and directors in support of the Company Secretary and/or chair
- Identify and appraise solutions to common problems relating to board and committee operations
- Explore methods for assessing the skills mix in board and committees and determine their optimal composition
- Support directors to perform their roles effectively
You will also receive:
- A delegate pack containing comprehensive course notes and presentation slides
- A certificate to show you have attended the course
- 4 hours credit towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- 6 months complimentary professional subscription of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland. This includes a subscription to G+C Magazine as well as access to briefings, discounts and our knowledge base.

People who take this course often go on to book:
Useful CGI Resources:
- Board committees handbook
- Terms of reference for committees
- A wealth of further information and guidance on boards and committees can be found in our Resources.
Competency framework
This course aligns to CGI’s competency framework: Entry/Emerging
Use the competency framework to identify your strengths and areas for improvement in governance.
- Typical board structures and the rationale for board governance
- What is the organisational context and what structure is appropriate
- What committees are needed by the board
- Types of committee
- How to set out matters reserved for the board
- The impact this has on the overall delegations within the organisation
- Delegating authority to committees (terms of reference and holding committees to account)
- Delegating authority to individuals (job descriptions and holding individuals to account)
- Roles of individual committees
- Interplay between committees, their relationship to the board and relationship to management
- Who should be attending meetings
- Types of management structure and how these relate to the board and committees
- What types of directors are needed: Executive and Non-executive
- Determining other representation required on boards and committees
- How to determine the skills needed on your boards and committees
- Board level equity, diversity and inclusion
- Resultant board composition requirements
- Succession planning
- Directors duties
- Director inductions
- Board procedures manual
- Related parties and conflicts
- Indemnities and insurance
- How do committees obtain advice from external organisations in support of the board (e.g. Lawyers, financial support, auditors, management consultants)
- Governance charters and bye-laws
- Corporate structure
- Policies and procedures
- Board decisions
- Culture and values
- Actions arising
- Types of review: external or internal
- Commissioning a review