Governance Books
Health Service Governance Handbook, 3rd edition
The Health Service Governance Handbook is the most comprehensive and useful guide in the field of corporate governance in the NHS. It offers vital insight into the corporate governance landscape, exploring the principles and regulatory frameworks of corporate governance and how they relate to the NHS.

Governance Books
International Finance and Administration, 2nd edition
The complete study guide for the core modules of our Level 4 International Finance and Administration qualifications. This guide provides an introduction to the international business environment and principles of trust and company law. It covers a range of topics, including the processes involved in offshore banking and how international finance centres are regulated and supervised. It also explores how valid trusts are created, principles of trust and company administration and steps to take to effectively prevent financial crime.

Governance Books
Interpreting Financial and Accounting Information
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Interpreting Financial and Accounting Information study text provides you with knowledge required to interpret financial information in order to advise boards and decision-making bodies.

Governance Books
Investment, 2nd edition
The complete study guide for the Investment modules of our Level 4 International Finance and Administration qualifications. This guide provides an overview of savings and investment products, the conditions required for a perfect market and discusses a range of bonds and collective investments. It also covers the role, operation and regulation of stock markets and trading platforms and explores aspects of derivatives, money markets and foreign exchange.

Governance Books
Knowles on Local Authority Meetings, 8th edition
Local authority law and practice continues to change at pace. Over many years Knowles has established itself as the authority on the law and practice of local authority meetings and decision-making.

Governance Books
Non-Executive Directors' Checklists
Non-Executive Directors’ Checklists is your easy-to-use A–Z guide to the key tasks and responsibilities of a non-executive director (NED).

Governance Books
Risk Management
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Risk Management study text provides you with knowledge required to manage and control risks effectively and to support the board with regards to risk management.

Governance Books
Sports Governance Handbook
Proper and robust governance is now a baseline expectation of stakeholders and is vital for an organisation to be fit for the future. The need for good governance is well-known, yet sports organisations have exhibited many chronic failures in this regard.