All modules are published in the new digital format as PDF downloads. Study materials will not be available in print format.
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Health Service Governance study text provides the knowledge and skills necessary to act as an adviser to governing bodies across the NHS in England. This includes developing good governance practices for all obligations of NHS organisations in England, covering not only legal duties, but also applicable and recommended standards of best practice.
It covers the development of good governance practices, including the governance frameworks that can be applied to NHS organisations as well as issues surrounding the board, including its role and how it manages risk. The legal and statutory duties of NHS organisations are also discussed, as well as the recommended standards of best practice they should follow.
This study text details all you need to know. It contains:
- Worked examples and ‘Test Yourself’ questions with full, worked answers
- Case studies and ‘Stop and Think’ scenarios to help you apply your knowledge
- Comprehensive chapter summaries to aid your revision.

Find out how to register for The Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme.
Published: July 2021 | ISBN: 9781860728259
Author: Claire Lea
- Definitions and issues in governance
- Theoretical Frameworks
- Definitions and issues in health service governance
- The structure of the NHS
- Health service governance and the law
- Voluntary codes of best practice
- The board’s structure and its committees
- Directors’ duties and liabilities
- Maintaining an effective board
- The chair of the board
- Executive directors
- Non-executive directors
- The company secretary
- Foundation trusts
- Clinical commissioning groups
- New models of care
- Risk Management
- Assurance
- Audit
Digital PDF - £44.95