Guidance Note
Lead charity trustees in England and Wales
The charity sector has seen increasing calls for individual trustees on boards to be appointed to lead on specific aspects of a charity’s activities in response to adverse reports – whether it be safeguarding, staff welfare, digital or fundraising. The concept of a ‘lead’ or 'link’ is not new, as it could, for example, be argued that the honorary position of treasurer makes that person the lead trustee on finance.

Guidance Note
Specimen appointment letter for trustee of unincorporated charity
This guidance note offers an example of a specimen letter to be sent to a new trustee of an unincorporated charity. As such, it is an outline for charities to amend to suit their needs. Charities are urged to ensure that all relevant factors relating to their organisation are included in such letters.
A collection of guidance and exemplar materials packed with expert advice for company secretaries and other governance professionals.