Guidance Note
Role of members in a charitable company limited by guarantee
his guidance note draws upon experience of charitable companies limited by guarantee (CLGs) to help inform those involved with, or interested in, academy trusts to help develop understanding of the company and charity law aspects of members in a charitable CLG.

Guidance Note
Future of Sports Governance – Beyond Autonomy
This report addresses the claims to autonomy and self-regulation which sports bodies have traditionally made for themselves and considers how these have been affected by the sector’s growth, its changing role and the various pressures under which its organisations operate

Guidance Note
Questions for sports bodies: A Code for Sports Governance - Tier 3 Principle 4 – Standards and conduct
This series is designed to help organisations implement the Tier 3 requirements of the Code for Sports Governance (the Code) and to prompt an assessment of governance arrangements more generally within individual sports bodies.

Guidance Note
Specimen board meeting etiquette for sixth form colleges and 16–19 academies
This guidance note aims to help ensure that boards have an agreed protocol for meeting behaviours to support effective meetings and help all members to remain focused in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.

Guidance Note
Questions for sports bodies: A Code for Sports Governance - Tier 3: Principle 3 – Communication
This series is designed to help organisations implement the Tier 3 requirements of the Code for Sports Governance (the Code) and to prompt an assessment of governance arrangements more generally within individual sports bodies. This guidance note focuses on Principle 3 – Communication.
A collection of guidance and exemplar materials packed with expert advice for company secretaries and other governance professionals.