- 1 May 2018
This guidance note is aimed at trustees/directors/governors of 16–19 academy trusts and can be adapted for any size of academy to reflect good practice for each organisation’s needs. This guidance, and others in the series, should provide sufficient detail for trustees/directors/governors and others interested in governance, to think about the governance arrangements within their own academy, and apply those aspects of good practice that are most appropriate and proportionate.
It is good practice for each organisation to undertake a periodic review of their governance arrangements as the organisation evolves and, where appropriate, amend policies, procedures and the governing document, to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and are structured in the most effective way to meet the charitable objects of a post-16 educational institution.
This guidance note assumes that the academy employs a company secretary, clerk or other governance and compliance professional, who is not the principal, to provide guidance and support to the governing body. Furthermore, this guidance is written predominantly for individual colleges. Multi-academy trusts operating local governing bodies may wish to adapt the document to suit their particular governance arrangements.