
Past Consultations

If you would like to contribute to CGI submissions, please contact us at We work to ensure that the voice of our members is heard by regulators.

Closing Date  

Authority Title Download
19/02/2025 Financial Reporting Council Stewardship Code
17/02/2025 Financial Conduct Authority CP24/2, Part 2: Greater transparency of our enforcement investigations
29/01/2025 Department for Science, Innovation & Technology Guidance for using the AI Management Essentials tool

Closing Date  

Authority Title Download
01/11/2024 Financial Reporting Council Discussion Paper launched on the Future of Digital Reporting in the UK
01/11/2024 Fundraising Regulator Fundraising Regulator Code Consultation
18/10/2024 FCA CP24/12: Consultation on the new Public Offers and Admission to Trading Regulations regime (POATRs)
16/08/2024 Institute of Directors IoD launches public consultation on a Code of Conduct for Directors
01/08/2024 Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures Proposed Scope and Mandate of TISFD
31/07/2024 The Takeover Panel Updated Takeover Code
22/07/2024 Scottish Government Review of charity regulation
27/06/2024 Department for Business and Trade Non-financial reporting review: simpler corporate reporting
14/06/2024 Euronext Launch of the Irish Corporate Governance Code
13/06/2024 Financial Reporting Council Assurance of Sustainability Reporting Market Study
09/06/2024 HM Treasury Improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations
08/05/2024 Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors Consultation on the draft combined Internal Audit Code of Practice for effective internal audit in the financial services, private and third sectors
22/03/2024 FCA Primary markets effectiveness review, feedback to CP23/10 and detailed proposals for listing rules 
07/01/2024 The Alan Turing Institute New guidance on upskilling the workforce in the face of - and using - AI.

Closing Date       

Authority Title Download
18/12/2023 BoE, PRA and FCA

Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector - working together to drive change

08/12/2023 FairGame 

Code of governance for football clubs (England)

11/10/2023 FRC UK Sustainability Disclosure TAC

Call for evidence on UK endorsement of ISSB standards

05/10/2023 FCA ESG Data and Ratings Working Group

Draft voluntary Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data product providers

25/09/2023 HM Treasury

Digitisation Taskforce, interim report

13/09/2023 FRC

UK Corporate Governance Code, consultation

01/09/2023 ISSB

Consultation on agenda priorities

16/08/2023 DBT - Department for Business and Trade

Smarter regulation non-financial reporting review; call for evidence


IBE Institute of Business Ethics 

Board guidance for developing an ethical business culture

31/07/2023 Confederation of School Trusts and CGIUKI

Academy Trust Governance Code consultation 

21/07/2023 The Takeover Panel

Proposed amendments to the Takeover code

30/06/2023 HM Treasury

Future regulatory regime for ESG ratings providers

28/06/2023 FCA

Consultation on the implementation of the Primary Markets Effectiveness Review

14/03/2023 Charity Commission

Draft guidance; Charities use of social media

06/02/2023 Charity Commission for Northern Ireland

Setting the new strategic agenda and engagement policy

Date        Type Title Download
28/11/22 ESMA

Call for evidence on the implementation of SDR2

Date Type Title Download
01/11/21 Confederation of School Trusts

Consultation on the core responsiblities of the School Trust Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

20/10/21 FCA

Diversity and inclusion on company boards and executive committees

24/09/21 HM Treasury

UK Prospectus regime review

09/08/21 CIPFA

International Financial Reporting for non profit organisations

08/07/21 BEIS

Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance

19/02/21 Scottish Government

Strengthening Scottish Charity Law survey

05/02/21 FRC

The future of corporate reporting

03/02/21 BEIS

Improving the quality and value of financial information on the UK companies register

03/02/21 BEIS

Powers of the Registrar

03/02/21 BEIS

Implementing the ban on corporate directors

04/01/21 NHS England

Integrated care consultation