This guidance deals with the process of forming a charitable company limited by guarantee and should be read in conjunction with documents from the Department for Education relating to the establishment and running of an academy trust.
1 August 2019
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Questions for sports bodies: A Code for Sports Governance – Tier 1
This booklet sets out a series of questions designed to help sports bodies comply with Tier 1 of the Code for Sports Governance and implement the minimum standards required of those seeking public funding.
1 April 2017
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Execution of acceptances during an offer period
Rule 10.1 of the Takeover Code (the Code) and the associated notes consider the execution of acceptances during an offer and refer to the guidance published by the Institute.
1 July 2021
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Matters reserved for the board
Guidance on drawing up a schedule for matters reserved for the board, in line with the UK Corporate Governance Code – company secretarial terms of reference and example documents.
1 July 2013
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Directors' general duties under the Companies Act 2006
This guidance has been produced primarily for quoted public companies that are looking to provide directors with practical guidance on their general duties under the Companies Act 2006 (the Act).
1 May 2022
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Shareholder meetings under the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020
Updated guidance on shareholder meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic to reflect changes to the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act.
1 July 2020
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Dealing code and policy documents
Specimen documents for the implementation of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), including a group-wide dealing policy, dealing code and dealing procedures manual.
1 June 2016
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
Corporate manslaughter and homicide
Guidance based on on the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007 – for directors, trustees and others playing a significant role in an organisation.
1 October 2008
Guidance Note
Law, regulation and compliance
Guidance Note
EU General Data Protection Regulation
This guidance note has been produced to help readers navigate the legal requirements of GDPR.