Guidance note
Terms of Reference for the Sustainability or ESG committee
Such a committee is not a requirement, but there are increasing numbers of them. This guidance note sets out how to ensure this committee adopts good practice in accordance with other committee recommendations under the UK Corporate Governance Code.
Guidance Note
Specimen charity board evaluation questions
A trustee board that is aware of its powers, duties and responsibilities and the impact it can have on the sustainability of an organisation is better placed to lead the charity to achieving its stated objects and making the intended positive impact on society.
Guidance Note
ESG: A maturity matrix for charities
This paper seeks to outline the rise of environmental, social (or sustainability1) and governance factors (ESG) in the commercial sector and explain how they will become increasingly relevant to modern charities. It covers the drive behind the increasing use of ESG factors in investment decisions, reputational risks, environmental awareness amongst consumers and clients and the need to attract talent with different motivations to work.