Press Release
Governance Guernsey: Creating a sustainable future
ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute has today announced the full line-up of speakers for its 2020 Governance Guernsey conference, which is taking place on 21 October, one of the few live conferences taking place in the British Isles, thanks to strong management of COVID by Guernsey’s government.

Press Release
Student achievements to be celebrated in person by ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute’s IOM branch
ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute is holding an a Networking and Social Evening for members and students on Thursday 22 October, which will recognise the exam successes of its students.

Press Release
Majority of organisations are ready for a no trade deal scenario, poll finds
According to a poll by ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute and governance recruitment specialist The Core Partnership, the majority of companies are prepared for the UK to leave Europe with no trade deal in place. Some 71% of respondents, the majority of which hail from finance, commerce and industry, said that they are very prepared for a no trade deal scenario. Just 9% are not at all prepared and an additional 20% were unsure of how prepared their organisation was at the time the poll was carried out.

Press Release
Charity SORP convenor launches probe of trustees’ understanding of the charity accounting framework
The Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) convenor responsible for gathering the views of trustees on the charity accounting framework has today begun work with trustees to gain an insight into their understanding of the framework. Trustees in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are being asked to complete a questionnaire which will help to clarify their position.

Press Release
IOM students celebrate exam success with ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute
ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute is delighted to announce the names of those students who have achieved the highest marks in the Institute’s Isle of Man examinations since the June 2018 exam sitting. The students received their awards at a celebratory event at Tanners Loft on 22 October.

Press Release
The future office: less space but more creative, poll finds
According to a poll out today by ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute and governance recruitment specialist The Core Partnership, 36% of respondents confirmed that their company would be downsizing their office space in the future, but there is plenty of sentiment that offices will continue to serve a useful purpose as creative hubs and meeting spaces.

Press Release
IOM governance professionals seek to cement the island’s reputation as a premier offshore financial jurisdiction
ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute is pleased to announce details of the newly elected branch council for its Isle of Man branch, which supports members and students of the Institute living and working on the island. The branch plays a crucial role in promoting good governance on the Isle of Man, something which enhances the island’s reputation as a good place to business.

Press Release
Governance superstars lauded at ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute’s Guernsey Branch Annual Dinner
The Guernsey Branch of ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Guernsey Branch Awards, which recognise the achievements of Guernsey’s top governance professionals and corporate service providers. The academic achievements of the Institute’s members and students were also celebrated at the Guernsey Branch Annual Dinner and Awards, which took place at the Duke of Richmond Hotel on Friday, 13 November 2020.