Governance Books
Academy Governance Handbook
An indispensable guide for those involved in governance within any trust, it aids and supports readers: identify and manage risks; comply with charity and company law; understand sources of income for trusts and their academies and explains the proper application and management of funds.
The boardroom of the future: stakeholder capitalism and engagement
With increasing importance placed on boards embedding ESG considerations in their decision-making and operations, stakeholder capitalism has become something of a buzzword du jour. It is intrinsically linked to sustainability as it is grounded in the view that giving consideration to wider interests, perspectives and impacts leads to long-term value creation.
Agenda Article
SAYE it again: Revival of the Save As You Earn Scheme
For employers, an SAYE Scheme can encourage employee engagement and improve retention. While historically a very popular scheme, following Brexit the number of licensed savings carriers in the Irish market fell and the last licensed savings carrier exited the market in early 2021. Since then, it has not been possible to establish or grant new options under a SAYE Scheme. However, with the anticipated announcement of a new licensed savings carrier before the summer, employers should reconsider the benefits of offering a Revenue approved SAYE Scheme.