Governance Books
Company Secretary's Checklists: Ireland
Our Company Secretary’s Checklists: Ireland is a comprehensive A-Z guide to the day-to-day tasks of company secretaries in Ireland.

Governance Books
A Practical Guide to the UK Listing Regime, 4th edition
As well as covering the process of seeking admission of a company’s shares to the Official List and to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange, A Practical Guide to the UK Listing Regime also advises on the preparation and publication of a Prospectus Directive compliant prospectus, and provides detailed commentary on the ongoing obligations of UK listed companies under the Rules.

Governance Books
Academy Governance Checklists
Academy Governance Checklists is our new easy-to-use guide to key areas of academy trust administration and regulatory compliance.

Governance Books
Academy Governance Handbook
An indispensable guide for those involved in governance within any trust, it aids and supports readers: identify and manage risks; comply with charity and company law; understand sources of income for trusts and their academies and explains the proper application and management of funds.

Governance Books
Accounting, 2nd edition
The complete study guide for the Accounting modules of our Level 4 International Finance and Administration qualifications. This guide gives you an insight into the purpose of accounting, looks at how financial information is collected, recorded and processed and examines the importance of producing accurate financial statements. It also discusses the content and purpose of financial statements and guides you in presenting this information in a meaningful way to a range of end users.

Governance Books
Board Committees Handbook
Board Committees Handbook is your guide to the implementation, role and running of committees.

Governance Books
Boardroom Dynamics
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Boardroom Dynamics study text provides you with knowledge required to support both individuals and groups to influence boardroom performance.

Governance Books
Business Management in Practice, 2nd edition
The text covers the syllabus for the Business Management in Practice module and is structured to help in planning a programme of study. Learning outcomes linked to the syllabus are highlighted to help students focus on the examination requirements for the module.

Governance Books
Charity Checklists, 2nd edition
Charity Checklists is our easy-to-use guide to key areas of charity administration and regulatory compliance. Using a clear step-by-step approach, taking you through a range of common processes, it will transform the way your charity operates in its everyday tasks.