Agenda Article
Ireland Supports Mechanisms to Resolve Double Taxation Disputes Between Member States
Businesses and communities are dealing with many COVID-19 related issues that are causing severe business disruption. The Irish government has been swift to introduce new measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on business.
Agenda Article
A New Tune for Whistle-Blowers – Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 Signed into Law
The Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 (2022 Act) has now been signed into law. The 2022 Act transposes the EU Whistleblowing Directive and amends the existing Irish framework for the protection of whistle-blowers under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (2014 Act).
Press Release
Promoting and supporting the vital role of the governance professional in academy trusts is at the top of the DfE’s priorities, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System says
Baroness Berridge, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System, has acknowledged the vital role that governance professionals play in academy trusts and confirmed that more widely promoting and supporting the role of the governance professional in trusts is at the top of the DfE’s priorities for this year.
Press Release
IOM student excellence recognised by global governance body The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland – Isle of Man Branch is delighted to announce the names of those students who have achieved the highest marks at branch level in the Institute’s November 2020 examinations. Students were recognised for their success in the autumn exam sessions for the Institute’s Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme (CGQP) and its International Finance and Administration (IFA) qualifications.
Press Release
New guidance about changing academy trust articles of association published by CGIUKI and Trust Governance Professionals
The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland (CGIUKI) and Trust Governance Professionals (TGP) have today published a ‘How to’ guide for academy trusts looking to change their articles of association.
Press Release
UK PLC bullish about the economy, and focussed on climate change and employees, survey finds
A survey of FTSE 350 companies out today finds that British boards are optimistic about the economy and much more focussed on climate change than was previously the case. They are also aligned on the importance of employees and corporate culture, according to the report published by The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland in association with the Financial Times.