Guidance Note
Change of charity director: A specimen checklist for charity secretaries in charitable companies limited by guarantee
This guidance note offers the charity secretary or governance professional of a charitable company limited by guarantee an outline of the information that should be considered when dealing with the change of trustee and director.

Guidance Note
How to build a charity board assurance framework
Within many boardrooms, especially those responsible for charities where trustees are unpaid, it can be challenging to be assured that the entity is being run properly and meeting its strategic goals. In fulfilling their legal duties, trustees must seek information from the senior management team to assure themselves that the charity is being run in a sustainable, professional and intended manner in furthering its charitable objects.

Guidance Note
Specimen charity merger documents
The issue of executive pay in the charity sector (and other parts of the economy) regularly attracts the attention of the media and sector commentators. Regardless of views as to what is deemed to be an appropriate level of remuneration for senior leaders in diverse and complex organisations as those found in the charity sector, there is an expectation that charities should be transparent about how they spend their resources. This includes the level of remuneration paid to senior staff members.

Guidance Note
Charity mergers: finding the right match
The Charity Governance Code recommends that trustees ‘consider the benefits and risks of partnership working, merger or dissolution if other organisations are fulfilling similar charitable purposes more effectively and/or the charity’s viability is uncertain’.
A collection of guidance and exemplar materials packed with expert advice for company secretaries and other governance professionals.