Governance and Compliance is the leading magazine for people working in governance, risk and compliance, including company secretaries.
Technical library
As the home of good governance and the leading authority on governance and company secretarial practice, we at CGIUKI provide guidance, technical insight and updates for members and the wider governance community.
About CGI
The Policy team engages with politicians and government with a view to raising the profile of the Institute and to keep abreast of developments in the sector.
Podcasts and webinars
Information library
The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is the leading authority on governance and company secretarial practice.
Welcome to the world of governance
What is governance and why does it matter?
What is governance and why does it matter? Governance underpins the entire management of an organisation — whether it’s a business, charity, or public service provider.
A career in governance
Starting a career in governance
Whatever stage you're at in your career and however you discovered the profession, working in governance offers a breadth of opportunities.
A career in governance
Developing a career in governance
Whether you’re already working in governance, or you’re in a related area, there are many opportunities to progress your governance career.
A career in governance
Sector Governance
Governance is everywhere – from your local sports club or charity to the largest FTSE corporations. We provide specialist governance guidance and resources in a number of sectors.